is tedious…
any tips to make it less so? or tips on the best way to clean road wheels?
is tedious…
any tips to make it less so? or tips on the best way to clean road wheels?
I cement the pairs together and drag them across wet/dry sandpaper on granite. I rotate slightly as I drag them, and move them about 1/4 turn after three or four drags. I can usually clean the pair together in less than thirty seconds.
And if you’ve got one of those Eastern brands with slight sinkholes in the wheels, fill with CA, hit with accelerator before doing above steps. Takes care of the sinkholes at the ssme time.
Cover them in mud and pigments
What kit specifically?
Cordless drivers. Depending on the style of kit wheels as well. Either a through rod such as a bolt and nut, or a rod into one side.
Ah, the very “Eastern” wheels of which I speak…
Just clean up and build a couple of 6 or 7 piece per link track sets and cleaning up roadwheels will seem like such a quick and simple task.