Compressor problem

Compressor is not supposed to run continuously. It was working fine until the last session. Never shut off. Was painting at only an about 5psi laying down some camo. Can usually paint at about 15psi without continuous running. Any suggestions? Thanks.

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Could the water trap valve be open allowing air to bleed off?

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I checked for possible leaks but found none.


Does it have a pressure gauge that shows the air pressure in the tank?

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Yes it shows pressure. I dialed it up to 30psi. No leaks that I could detect. Did the soapy water thing around the fittings as well.


My understanding is that the compressor runs until the pressure in the tank reaches the upper limit and then it takes a break. Air is consumed by some tool such as an airbrush. The pressure in the tank decreases until it hits the lower limit and the compressor goes to work again (break is over).
The air pressure delivered to the airbrush is controlled by the pressure regulator (dialed up to 30 psi). The pressure in the tank should be higher, swinging between maybe 80 and 110 psi depending on which compressor you have.
If the compressor never reaches the upper limit it will never get turned off by the pressure switch. This could happen for a number of reasons:

  1. The consumption is at the same level that the compressor can push in at the other end.
  2. Something is leaking
  3. Compressor has gone bad (out of breath due to old age, happens to all of us …) and can’t pump as much as it used to.

Ideally there should be two gauges, one for the tank and one for the outflow.

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Might have a bad or stuck pressure sensor/shutoff switch, which would operate independent of whatever your gauge is showing. Might be time for a new compressor.


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Compressor is only about a year old, two at most. Of course like everything else it’s made by the ChiComs.


Might be time for CO2.


Love my CO2 set up. My oh my. However not to influence you by a great set up, what type of compressor is it? Piston or diaphragm? If there is an issue there, It will make pressure but will not reach the cutoff pressure.

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Piston. I’ve contemplated CO2 at various times. The initial cost is a factor as is available space. I’m in a rather cramped spot. Basically the width of a 200 gallon oil tank that was removed prior to moving in 30+ years ago and about 4ft deep.

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With CO2 you have a silent operation, no power requirements, complete portability. You can set up and paint in the middle of the desert or ocean if you want, doesn’t matter. The air is dry so no moisture trap issues. Pressure is not an issue. Few moving parts to wear out. Get a 20lb bottle not the tiny one.
I bought a regulator at an auction that came with a nitrogen tank. The regulator works fine with CO2 and I traded the heavy nitrogen cylinder for a lighter CO2 cylinder. Nitrogen is about 3000 PSI where as CO2 is about 800PSI. To refill I just trade in the bottle for one that is full like you do with propane BBQ cylinders at Lowes or Home Depot.


Could you post a photo of the compressor?

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Is there someone who could inspect/service it for you?
If it is a Cheapo Chinese one ( I have a FengDa branded one, I keep it as a spare), It may not be possible or cost effective, if it is the pressure sensor/shutoff switch, it may be possible to replace it.

If it is time for an upgrade consider the Sparmax branded range.
my Sparmax TC-620X Quantum Orange Compressor has twin pistons, air tank, a really good regulator & is such quality it will keep pressure for over a week.

Not cheap, & not quiet, but as near as it doesn’t bother me. It will happily run all day without overheating.

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is something blocking the air entrance of the compressor so that it can’t pull air in fast enough? Filthy air filter perhaps?


Sounds like the cutoff switch went bad. This actually happens a lot on otherwise good Chinese compressors. If you’re okay with electrical, you can get a new cutoff switch and install it yourself. Otherwise, just get a new compressor.


Good news, I guess. Painted this morning and it seems everything is fine. No continuous running. As I am of the if it works don’t fix it school I will leave well enough alone for now.