Construction foam for bases

A lot of videos discuss this method but I’m having difficulty finding the construction foam that I can hot wire cut wit my Proxxen cutter.

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Insulation foam, usually blue, or pink. Most DIY home repair stores carry it in 4’ x 8’ sheets. You can also find scraps and cut-offs at construction sites. Ask first!
:smiley: :canada:


I’ve always used the foam used to protect white goods & TVs, blocks of it often discarded in dumpsters etc. – a home-made hot-wire cutter works fine on it, the user wasn’t particularly proficient though…


You can find this product at HomeDepot. It’s pink and is easily cut using foam wire tools.

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This will never turn into anything interesting lol :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :innocent:


Only teasing mate :beers:


Yep it nearly turned into…”Heydrich – On Ice!” :ice_skate: :ice_skate:

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