Converted Wartime GMC "Deuce & a Half Locomotive"

Hi @Frederic_Butcher , Welcome and nice progress on your conversion.

Thank you,
it is difficult to know if there is the hole in the photo on the roof but it is possible. In fact the rail wheels of my kit are different from the archive photo, there were different wheels I try to get as close as possible to the photo but perfection does not exist

Here Jerricans racks :


Thank you so much !! :ok_hand:

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Looking good! With those can racks, are you putting them on both sides? The photos don’t show the other side so at best it’s a guess. I’ve gone round in circles on this, but I think I’ll put them on both sides…

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Thank you !
after talking about it to a specialist friend it seems logical that the soldiers are added on the other side the same thing that’s what I did

About this picture

first model tole cabin and symmetrical grille

Roadrai grosplanl

and black out added

I never noticed the windscreen is missing on that truck! The driver must enjoy the wind in his hair…

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And my futur project Finally, I hope


Sometimes typical with a lot of R/R rolling stock modeling. Many times we can only get a picture of one side of the subject :camera_flash:

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