Photo etch has arrived - two sizes .6x.6 and .4x.4
The openings have had their perimeters rabbeted on the back side to accept the mesh by milling then careful hand scraping.
Grill built up of styrene strip and mesh added from behind .
Mesh added to vents in top of hood and box built of styrene to blank off openings. Interior of box painted
NATO Black .
Exterior top view with box in place .
I am anxious to assemble all the hood components but I am afraid of damaging the fragile mesh while working on cab , etc . so I must be patient.
Tracks underway-
Found this touch up paint at Tractor Supply. I don’t know if it will be ok straight from the can or if I can decant it and use airbrush. I suspect it will be too heavy and /or too glossy but I can use it as a sample and try to mix my own from Tamiya acrylics .
More to come - thanks for looking.
Cheers- RT