
After repairing the damage as best as I could, I shot the model with Mr. Surfacer 1000 WHITE primer. I wanted the interior white to make it easier to brush paint and it worked. A single coat of Tru Color off white did the deed this time.

The body color was again the Tamiya dark yellow.

Somewhere along the road I decide that the skids were still too weak and added more patches. Now there were so many patches it would be hard to hide them. Why not feature them? These skids look very flimsy in the pictures as well as on the model. Had the ARMY put them to any real test I’ll bet they would have been damaged and needed repair probably by welding steel patch plates on in weak areas just as I had done with my plastic patches.

I will add CA glue welds and paint the patches rusty steel with scrapes along the skids.

I decided to brush paint the camo this time and used a Tamiya dark green & a Humbrol brown. This was the fun part!
