
Any suggestions on where to get WW1 style ammo & cargo crates?


Resicast has some 18 pounder and 9.2 inch ammo along with Lewis machine guns and ammo and just stowage for a truck bed. There are also some universal crates from Value Gear.

Given my very poor track record at Group Builds I will just follow and see later in the year if I can join. Have several tracks in my stash, albeit all military, but some can be converted/modified into civilian tracks
I wonder if the 88mm Flak on the Vomag track is also eligible


That would be a great build … and it looks like a truck to me … with a big gun on it :+1: … Hopefully Tom likes it as well …

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Than you Johnny01.
This vehicle was based on the Vomag 8 LR LKW truck and there was also a bus based on this truck.
The self propelled gun was based on the bus’s chasis in fact


As Johnny says, that truck is fine! Feel free to join at any point when you’re ready - we have lots of time.

Haha I’m going to look very differently at the schoolbuses picking up the zombie teens early every morning while I’m walking the pooches. Looks like an amazing build should come our way!



The zombie mobile.


I’ve got an ancient 1/35 resin kit of the Vomag 88 Flak truck downstairs in the stash. The body of the truck is one huge, long piece of resin. It’s so warped, the front and back bumpers don’t line up - no amount of hot water will fix the corkscrew. I’ll have to cut the body laterally in several pieces, glue it back together, putty and sand to get it straight. I’ve taken it out of the box several times over the years, examined it, and put it back away. It’s an awesome looking kit but there are just too many excellent kits ahead of it. Someday.


The Vomag Bus always reminded me of a stretched hearse. That engine cowl is so coffin like.
Remembered this:


Earlier, a VOMAG Bus was seen startling pigeons, and now the VOMAG Hearse is stirring-up the petbats! :bat:

Can’t wait to get my VOMAG started! :hammer_and_wrench:

—mike :upside_down_face:


How about the Barris Koach:




I’m looking forward to getting a start on that Liberty truck. I had it out over the weekend and looked over the instructions.

If I were to make it as used here at home to haul something like the Ford 3 Ton tank around during trials that might make a very cool build.



Hi everyone,

Tomorrow sees the start of our great big Convoy! So fill up the tanks, grab some snacks for the road, and rev those engines!


Looks like I’m in the pole position :wink:
Gentlemen, start your engines!
A recap of what I have planned for this group build:

The Italeri WC-54 Ambulance. The only thing started in this kit is that I began replacing the ‘nubs’ that are supposed to represent the lug nuts on the wheels; I’ve started shaving them off and drilling for some nice HO model railroad nut-bolt castings:

I will be building this truck buttoned up so no major interior detailing. I’ll add door handles, replace bits with wire, etc. I have the Archer US Ambulance Markings set as well as gauges etc for dashboard and so on:

Sharp-eyed followers will also see the Archer Jeep gauges set. Even though the Group Build guidelines suggest vehicles larger than a jeep, I couldn’t resist picking up the Italeri Ambulance Jeep to actually create a two-vehicle convoy. I hope this will prove acceptable?

I also have these stretchers from the ICM Model T 1917 Ambulance; they seem perfectly appropriate for a WWII Ambulance Team and are miles ahead of the blobby Italeri ones (I’ll show a comparison later as I get into the build):

Finally, a couple weeks ago I picked up the ultimate reference; this book (and others in the series) is fantastic and chock full of great reference photos:

So, I’m ready to start my build and look forward to seeing what everyone else is going to bring to the table. Onward!



Mercy sakes alive this campaign is active! Roll out!


My entry- ICM’s KHD S3000 truck:

Will build it as a Bulgarian Road Construction Ministry’s Magirus S330 truck,

requisitioned by the Bugarian Army in 1944.

It will tow the Sturmbootanhaenger(Sd.Anh 108) I’ve almost finished scratchbuilding.

I’ve started the kit in late November 2022 and having built and detailed both engine and frame, I ordered some AM from Ukraine (2 VModel PE sets- one containing the correct S330 louvre panels and a generic set).
While waiting for their arrival I shelved the kit and focused on the Sd.Anh 108 scratchbuild.

Now the S330 is on the bench again and I even managed to add some PE on the frame today,



Looking forward to this one Angel :+1:


Jimbo, that looks like a great combo! And well done scoring those Archer bit - I miss them already. (And great tip on those bolts!)

Angel I’m looking forward to how you get on. But I’m shocked there’s only a little white plastic showing… :grin:


Thanks John, will do my best!

No worries, Tom!

As seen on the refference picture, S330 trucks were delivered to Bulgaria without load beds.These were produced locally- in a private factory in Russe(whose owner also happened to be the Opel dealer for Bulgaria…), so there will be a lot of white plastic/wood incorporated into this build :wink:
