Crew for Pz Abt 501 Tiger - Tunisia

I’ve just started building Dragons Tiger I Tunisia but I’m having a bit a trouble finding figures for the crew. I’d like to have all the crew hatches open and each position occupied but I can’t seem to find a figure kit that has all four figures.

Would anyone have any suggestions? Or is it a case of mix and matching from multiple sets?


You might consider using some of Verlindens resin sets… may be a pricey way to go though.


Tristar had a set out several years ago.

There are others out there too . Good luck !


How about these two sets from Tank?

There are two things to consider;

  1. The radio operator did not have a headset. “Tank” are wrong about this. See; “Headsets in the Tiger I”

  2. I don’t know anything about uniforms so I don’t know if this makes a difference… but, the Tigers were not in the Afrikakorps.


Ummm…“The radio operator did not have a headset”??! :roll_eyes:
:smiley: :canada:

Dammit! I meant the LOADER. Sorry.


I hope you proof-read your articles better than that! :roll_eyes: :wink: :thinking: :exploding_head:
:smiley: :canada:

I was gonna inquire about that David lol

Thanks everyone for your suggestions. Taken a look at the kits and will probably pick up the tristar figures, I can make use of each figure. I like the tank & verlinden sets but the cost puts me off a bit!


You will probably do some mixing and matching. What do want the figures to be doing? Is the vehicle driving or stationary? Roadmarch or combat? Repair, refueling,chow break, it makes a difference. My generic choice is a roadmarch. Tristars figures are confusing. The guy with the submachine gun seems like he is just visiting.The two sitting are at rest taking a break and the TC is on a roadmarch minus the headset. Yes they are 4 figures but are they participating in the same activity?

Arto has a couple of figures that look nice:

Hmmm. That second man has the headphones, and he has the microphones…but where’s the chest switch? Is it in the product?


I’m planning on placing the Tiger in a small diorama with the academy panzer III I started a while back. The scene will be of the panzer III crew working on their panzer and taking a break to watch as the newly arrived Tigers pass by.

The Tristar figures are probably more suitable for the panzer but the commander could be used for the Tiger. Ideally I’m trying to find half figures for the driver & RO that are dressed in the tropical uniform but I may have to improvise.

So the Panzer III and the Tiger would be in different units? That doesn’t ring a bell with me. I know who would own the Tiger but what other units did they meet and when?

In any case, the African Tiger units had Panzer III of their own.


There are some other tank crew options to consider; these include:

DEF Models has several DAK tank crew resting and/or working on their vehicles:

and …

There’s also some very nice DAK tanker figures from PanzerArt. And, if you can still find them, there’s the old DAK tanker sets from Master Box.

Best regards,

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Here are some Tiger crew in Tunisia…


Lots of greatcoats. It was cold.


Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. The time of year that 501st saw most of their action was cool and damp. I’d stay away from crew figures in shorts. The weather in that part of the world doesn’t warm up until April or so.

This might be a reasonable option for great coats and the panzer 3 crew watching (and pointing - Germans always point apparently) at the Tiger going by.