Croatian T-34/85- best kit as a starting point?

The Ukrainian for starfish is a two word expression: морська зірка
The first word, морська, means sea/ocean and the
second word, зірка, means star.
Someone made a simple translation mistake or used Google translate in the wrong way.
Translating the words individually gives you sea star
translating the expression морська зірка results in Google giving you the english word starfish.
I think most customers will be able to make the mental gymnastics to figure out that those foreigners probably mean starfish when the write sea star. The actual creature isn’t a fish either, even if it does live in the ocean.

The fact that Miniart have this set of wheels was already mentioned by panzernl two hours before your post, just saying :wink:
The fact that the T-55 and T-34 wheels are not the same was mentioned yesterday.

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Thank you for that clarification Robin

And he didn’t give a link to them. just saying.

Asking Google about Miniart 37033 returns a load of links.
Adding the link was a nice addition though. I’ll give you credit for that :wink:

The rubber mat vehicles are actually Chetniks, a bad set of guys.

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I was under the impression that the Bosians had some with rubber mats, as well. Captured or maybe just bad info

Wow that’s some interesting armor lol. I saw a lot of equipment while I was there in 97-98 but nothing like that. Scary looking actually.

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Chetniks were a wild Bunch in WWII.