Curvy Tanks Campaign

Got the primer on, used the Tamiya red just to see what kind of effect that would give under a sand color…

and then used Lifecolor UA901 IDF Sandgre 1 '60-'70. Thick paint, has to be diluted quite a bit… and needs several layers to cover the red…


Got a bit further with this one… base color, stowage painted, first bit of wash… tracks added… some more detail painting…


Well, I have been chipping the M51, added straps over the stowage, added antennas, and dusted her up… think this is done… difference:

Thanks for watching, and thanks for the campaign!


That is one very well used tank Bert. Great finish.

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Looks real good! All the weathering kicks it up a few notches.

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Thanks very much guys! I know much wear, tear and weathering on a model is always a dispute, but that is just how I like it… and as I build for my own pleasure… :grinning:


Well here I go again… another Patton tank… but not just any Patton, but the mount of “The King”

I’m going to make Elvis’ M48A1 from GI Blues, turning this kit

into this

So far I’ve completed steps 1 & 2 and built the road wheels and basic lower hull

Stay tuned for more progress updates….

Thank you very much :wink:




Steps 3 & 4 now completed - bits added to upper hull, the upper and lower hulls glued together

That’s enough for today….


Ooh I do like those DML M48s!

“Ladies and Gentlemen, Carlos has left the building…”

Looking good Carlos. Interesting choice that will make for a unique build.


Great idea… Is there a King availale in 1/35?

@barkingdigger, this is my first Dragon M48, and so far I’m really loving the kit. They sure went all in on the detailing.

@bwilt, I would love to find an Elvis tanker figure.

@petbat, thank you sir! After my past couple of Patton tanks and their cat paint schemes, this one will be far more mundane. A rather plain Jane US Army M48 in the end.

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If you paint figures as well as I do, you could use any figure with a tanker helmet - the way I paint, he would look more Freddy Kruger than Elvis.

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You and me both… :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

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I guess you’re right, just paint his uniform white with lots of shiny spots… :rofl:

Freddy Kruger… I usually end up with zombies or Marty Feldman :grinning:


So I’ve made a bit more progress over the past few days…

First up, I added the engine rear and top deck areas, the biggest visual difference between the M48/M48A1 and all of the follow on variants. Much closer is appearance to the preceding M46 & M47, than the A2, A3, A5 and M60 family engine decks…

Then earlier today I added the road wheel arms, shocks, and final drive housings

More to come in a day or two….


Had a short workbench session today…, I glued on all the road wheels and did the basic construction of the fenders. The sprocket wheels are test fitted but not glued in place until I add the tracks. I’m deviating fro. The instruction a bit now by concentrating on the hull before I start on the turret. The instructions by this point have you bouncing back and forth.


@bwilt, Bert, great looking finish. Definitely a well worn tank - it has been through a house or two or a couple of hefty sandstorms. :slight_smile:

@Stikpusher Carlos, great idea for a tank. First time I hear about this movie. Looking forward to see more. :slight_smile:

Thank you very much, glad you like the old look :grin:

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