I know that you have to have an Alps or some other special printer to make white decals. They cannot be made with a home printer and printer decal paper.
So, does anyone have the ability to make custom white decals w/clear decal film? I need a few sets made of markings for M26 MLRS pods. I can provide the markings in black in whatever format is needed, I just need someone to be able to print them in white.
Let me know if you can do it and how much, roughly for an A4 sheet.
These guys are in The Netherlands and used to make custom decals, not sure if they still do so:
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Thanks. I’ll check with them.
Anyone else??
I’ve done this on a home printer on white decal sheet: I outlined white design/text with a custom color (chosen on the printing program) that closely matched the background color on the model…in this case it was a tank’s name in white on an OD background. The “white” was just the unprinted portion of the decal paper. Some playing around with the color might be necessary until an appropriate match is achieved.

PS: if I remember correctly - this was at least 25 yrs ago - I made a colored (OD) rectangle and then chose white (or no color) for the printing. On the monitor screen the text appeared white, but in reality was transparent, or no color. When printed on the white decal sheet the transparent print was left the decal color (white) on an OD background. I just had to trim closely to the text and leave as little of the OD color left as possible as it wasn’t as perfect a match as I had wanted. Some weathering took care of any color discrepancies.
I have done it this way in the past as well. The issue here is how small some of the decals are. I don’t think it will work well. Matching the background color is also a pain.
I’ve used the same technique, but have never been fully satisfied with the result. Very hard to get an exact color match and the the decal thickness tended to spoil the effect.

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Reading my mind, are you?
I was just looking around yesterday. I have graffiti art (simple black line) that I need converted into a small decal.
I’ll give these guys a try and let you know.
Yeah…I know it’s a bit of a compromise, but it’s about as good as you can get on a PC and home printer. And it’s real cheap. If appearances count, then be prepared to pay!

Georg Eyerman @The_Great_Pumpkin owns Decalcomaniacs Redirecting... and does custom decals in white. He’s in New Jersey. His work is very good and his prices are very reasonable.
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Thanks. I think I have them sourced. I’ll keep him in mind if my current contact doesn’t work out.
So I was looking for some decal info and came across this thread. Not sure if your still looking or where your located, but , I used Gary at
To duplicate some old ruined decals which were white lettering and he did a great job. It was awhile ago so I don’t know if he’s still in business. But here ya go…
Was this ever resolved @HeavyArty ?
I need some white decals made (registration and bumper numbers for a D7) like this, along with some others.
Photo credit to 538th Land clearing company, 35th land clearing team veterans site.
Yes, however, I don’t think the guy is still doing them. It was done by Joseph Osborne of Fireball Modelworks. You can contact him from his homepage to ask.
Fireball Modelworks (fireballmodels.info)
Good luck.
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Fireball model works use to have great many resin sets in 1/7 to 1/32 and now they are gone and he is producing 1/24 vehicle wheels and tires. Shame as his resin and decals where too notch.
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