Some progress shots of a USMS D9 variant that i am wourking on.
Please enjoy and feel free to comment constructive feedback as i am still learning.
Its still primer gray at the moment as i wrap up miles of photoetch detail.
Exquisite PEB work.
Excellent PE work and precise detailing on the interior. Outstanding looking build. What kit is this?
Meng makes the kit
And the four sheets of photoetch are from e.t.model
That is looking superb, the PE really lifts it up.
Appreciate that.
The PE really scared me away for quite some time actually. I started this last year and it sat half finished while i contemplated my ability to continue. In the end i have actually learned quite a bit and i now have a new found respect for ship and aircraft modelers.
Looking real Sharp. This is the one that was used in Iraq? If so there’s a couple parts the US added to them . Tunnel probes that were hydraulic rams that were tipped with tungsten carbide bits that were forced into the ground.
They were IDF surplus sent to US forces from Israel due to there were none available at that time in the US so we were asked and we delivered
Looking great. This is not criticism but why tan interior. All the Reference that I found for my project the interior is white.
Well to be honest my investigative skills were found lacking, I discovered that right about the time I started weathering the interior, you will also note the lack of a red fire extinguisher canister. It seriously bugs me to the point of wanting to rebuild
another one but I have sooooo many other kits to mess up. LOL
I should note that I painted the interior bone white but it is way too close to tan.
IMO the interior looks great, maybe just a tad dark but still awesome! I will be following this build closely as I have this kit in my stash.
Whatever colour you use, it still looks great