Damraska’s AFV Projects

Finished (More): Takom Jagdpanzer 38 Late

This was my entry for Hot Out of the Molds 2024.

In order to meet the campaign deadline, this model received about one fourth of the normal effects painting. After sliding into home base, I pulled the model back into the shop and applied some critical updates–a new antenna with base, a final clear coat, and touch ups to the most egregious painting errors.

Lessons Learned:

  1. Blu-Tac, while great stuff, has limits. This model went beyond those limits. The next project will use AK black masking putty. (Edit: Change of plans! No black masking putty for me!)
  2. Good effects painting requires inspiration and time. Even lacking both, this result is okay. It looks pretty from 12 inches.
  3. I can now build a decent model in 90 days. That is a massive improvement.
  4. I am getting better at painting inside the lines.

On to the next project…