DKM 3,7 cm FLAK /L 83 in Doppellafette C30

Dear all, thanks for your kind comments and looking in.

Now for part two, the Veteran Models version. I did one of those early on in my :arrow_right: link Gneisenau build log , but here comes a more detailed step by step.

So here’s the box:

You start with a base plate

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that has to be double folded for stiffness. The etch is much softer than the Very Fire ones.

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Base plate with gun mount and gun layers seats

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I decided to not follow the instructions but glue the seats to the base plate, together with two structural parts, and the ‘forward seat’ to the gun mount first.

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Then the base plate to the gun mount.

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Several controls and hand wheels.

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Turnend brass barrels into the individual breeches.

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The geared wheel to set the elevation and one barrel installed.

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Both barrels.

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Number one and number two…

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Number two built already a lot easier, most small stuff fond its places better and more precisely, but the breeches are not so nicely aligned - I was focused on getting the barrels aligned, seeing too late that the breeches are somewhat off. But I#d say I can live with that.

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So here’s Very Fire and Veteran together. Veteran is the better model, but much more complicated to build. The Very Fire is really a fine offering, a very good compromise looking at accuracy and detail vs. trouble to build.

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I’ll go over the Flyhawk and dragon ones briefly again later on, but for me the decision is between these two.
So honestly, I’d go for the Very Fire, but I doubt that I will get eight guns out of the package, I’d assume that I fumble one at minimum. As I expect to get three out of a four from Veteran, maybe seven out of two boxes. Point is, I do have more Veteran and can get them in Germany, I can’t get the Very Fire models. So I will keep the Very Fire for one of the heavy cruisers, the need only six, so that’s safe!

More on the other two later, but that will be doubled from my Gneisenau build log just for completeness.

Thanks for looking and cheers
