DKM Gneisenau 1/350

Ok, just a very brief update. Actually, quite a few pic since I like the look, but not really much work done…barrels of the big guns fittet!

And parts of the breakwaters around the forward 3.7 cm AA fitted, two sets of Veteran’s guns test fitted. I have to start the production line for the 3.7’s (and the 10.5 cm, and the 2 cm…). It’s quite a long time since I built those, and they suffer from being the first, so I don’t actually know if I will be using those or build eight guns. I will see about this when I build the next guns, if they turn out better than those ‘old’ ones I’m probably not using them.

Cheers for today, next update may very well be some weeks away, as I won’t see my workbench very much before probably June…

Thank you all for following and your patience!
