Does anyone have dimensions of the Wurfrahmen 40 transport crate

Headline kinda says it all… I need dimensions as I am scratchbuilding some…


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This probably isn’t what you’re after but they already exist in 1:35 - assuming it’s 1:35 you want:

Tamiya do one as well:

Whether or not these are Wurfrahmen 40 I have no idea - I’m no German rocket Ninja I’m afraid.


I’d forgotten Miniart’s effort:

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Now I wanna see what a German Rocket Ninja looks like! :joy:


Thanks Brian, but it’s 1/16 for the Trumpeter Sdkfz 251

I know there is a set for it, but I find it too expensive for such a simple installation, so I’ve designed it myself in 3D and have printed it. The transport crate I will do in balsa wood to get the wood look and to avoid doing that (the wood look) in 3D. I have some rudimentary dimensions from a Dragon 1/35 kit, but I was thinking if I could get the right measurements it would be better

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Me too Chepster - perhaps he looks like a Me163 pilot ?


To clarify - it’s the wooden box that the two Tamiya guys are man-handling

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Hi Thomas,
I don´t know if this helps, but a photographed a replica of the Wurfrahmen 40 at the Pionierlehrsammlung Ingolstadt.


It does sound somewhat strange/inspirational now you mention it(!)


Fair enough Tomas - good luck with it all.

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Thanks Hermann, but looking at the real deal, I think that replica is quite a bit off - I guess they wanted to show the missile more than the box


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Apparently like this?


Actually, this one’s perhaps a little better!

Jetpack Samurai (IRL)

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Sir do you do 3D printing for hire???

Too much of an amateur for that I’m afraid

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When I get home, I’ll take some measurements of the miniart kit, and the dragon one in 1/35
you can scale it.

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With the phrase “WW2 German Rocket ninja” apparently this according to Bing AI image generator

I’m not sure he’d have much luck staying on that at full speed :thinking:

Sorry for diverting from your question. Really look forward to seeing your progress with this project.


Hello Thomas, I am under the impression that there may be more than one rocket crate. The DML model shows a metal frame and not a wood frame. Do you plan to build the 28cm or 32 cm version?

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Yes, but I’ve never seen the metal one used on a Stuka zu Fuss…

The difference between the 28 and 32cm rockets were inserts in the box. Outside dimensions were the same to make them fit the common holder


There was a sequel to the James Cavill novel “Shogun” Its was called Gertrudesgun.

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