Dusty Hill - ZZ TOP . . . another legend gone

Just found out guitarist Dusty Hill passed in his sleep at home in Houston, TX. GOD speed and rest in peace. Lotta memories from your music.

Cajun :crocodile:


One of my favorites!


R.I.P. Dusty, you will be missed! Your Music will always live on! Thanks

A huge loss, one of my favourite bands. Dusty is with good company now though, I can see him jamming with SRV!
Sure Got Cold After The Rain Fell - YouTube

Cheers, D

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Now that would be an awesome performance no doubt!

Cajun :crocodile:

RIP Dusty Hill - one of a kind.



Heard it this morning in the news. Really a sad loss. 72 is a bit too early. Love their music. R.I.P.

A legend for sure. RIP.

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That’s too cool! :sunglasses:

Cajun :crocodile:




Way too soon for another legend to be gone.
I am sure he was playing Rough Boy as he strolled past St. Peter

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Yeah so sad man. I saw them in Germany while I was stationed there in ‘85-‘87 and they were excellent live. They were extremely popular in Germany at the time as I remember. Can’t remember the venue but it was sold out!

They were scheduled for a performance yesterday at a venue close to me but had to cancel which is how I found out about Dusty’s passing.
Funny thing: I ran away from home when I was 17 (1975±) because my mom wouldn’t let me go to their concert, was picked up two days later at a friends house. "I fight authority but authority always wins . . "
I have to say “Tejas” is my favorite album.

Cajun :crocodile:

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So so sad. I was listening to the “Live from Texas” album monday, two days later Dusty Hill is gone. Saw them, only, once, at a stadium koncert; the rain was pouring down, but man we were having a good time.

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I only saw them once as well, and I try to keep my ticket stubs for my favourite bands tucked inside a CD cover as a momento.

Cheers, D


(1) Charlie Brown | ZZ Top | La Grange - YouTube
