Dutch East Indies aircraft colors

Head back to home page and look around , should have all sorts of info on ML-KNIL aircraft, fields, wrecks. Heres the B-25s… Pacific Wrecks - Militaire Luchtvaart Army Aviation Corps of the Royal Netherlands East Indies Army (ML-KNIL) - North American B-25 Mitchells

What do you know, they did have yellow (?) tips, at least initially:

This is the front cover of a book that’s slated for release, later this year going by the filename of that image.

I read the Brewster prop had the yellow tips but they were painted over (?) or replaced with all green, when in for service. Any idea on what type pitot tube the CW-22 used? Only found 2 photos of Dutch ones with it visible (others were unclear or wrong side) . One with straight “US” version and one with the kinked “Brit” version. Hard to play the odds.

“Brit” one also has bomb rack. (yellow)

Sorry, I’m not the one to ask that to :slight_smile: I can’t even recognise a CW-22 unless it’s captioned as such.