Hi all - Just finished up this Gustav - this is Eduard’s
weekend edition. I received this kit in error when I ordered a Fw 190 D9 but I liked it so I it stayed.
( who amongst us can return a kit you like when it is in your hands? ) I still had paint mixed up , leftover from the dual Fw build so I knocked another one
out .
It is a very nice kit - fit was excellent except for one area on the bottom where the rear of the wing met the fuselage. A little filler took care of it nicely.
The weekend title is a little optimistic - it took all weekend to mask and make stencils .
Hope you like it and and all comments welcome.
Paint is mostly Gunze Mr Color lacquer. Tamiya fine light grey primer from rattle can , panel lines pre shaded . Base colors post highlighted with lightened base colors . Tamiya clear gloss under and over decals then panel lines picked out with Payne’s grey oil wash . Testor’s dull coat then a light dusting with highly thinned Earth Yellow to tone all down .
Thanks for looking.
Cheers- RT