Eingehede Post (Incoming Mail) - Scratch built 1/35 scale WW1 German Soldier

My latest 1/35 figure project depicting a messenger pigeon handler about to receive a returning homing pigeon from the frontline. Still waiting on the 3D printed pigeon carrier from Chino Models (Japan) to complete the vignette.
Figure made from 2-part Apoxie Sculpt on a wire armature.
Head is from the excellent 1/35 scale German heads set by Jon Smith Modellbau.
Hands and boots are from Royal Models.
Pigeon from the MiniArt ‘Pigeons’ set.
The skull is from Michael Kontraros.
Roadside shrine and figure of Christ are both from Historex Models.
Vegetation from various aftermarket modelling companies.
Groundwork made from XPS foam and covered with AK Dark Earth acrylic paste.
Finishing details achieved with the excellent diorama products from VMS Modelling and Geek Gaming Scenics.
The whole scene is painted in acrylics from various manufacturers.
All in all, a really fun project. Cheers!


Beautiful little scene you have captured, full of expression and just the right size to show off all the elements without overshadowing the small pigeon.

Very nice work on the sculpting. Nice concept and perfect interaction with the feathered messenger.


Thank you very much :smiling_face:

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Thank you very much indeed :smiling_face:

Completion photos of my vignette. Added the Chino Models 3D printed pigeon carrier basket plus Dirty Down rust and moss effects to spice up the scene a bit. Of course, I remembered to include the obligatory pigeon droppings too :wink:. Cheers!


Kenneth this is an interesting subject to say the least, if not completely forgotten by todays standards of communication. Wonderfully finished, excellent work. Congrats!
Dave :slightly_smiling_face: