F-117A Nighthawk-1/72 Academy

The kit just came in today. I built one back a decade ago and the build was nice but the decals were crap. I put the instrument panel decals on and 1/2 hour after they dried they fell off. I white glued them on and bought after market decals for the markings. Sadly the date on this box is 1991 and they are the old original decals so it’s after market again, I may paint the raised detail on the instrument panel and consoles this time.


The good news with the canopy close, it is almost impossible to see into the cockpit.


Thanks, I am thinking close the canopy and bomb bay. I did the Revell 1/72 Nighthawk with an open bomb bay and it didn’t impress me, just didn’t like the looks, unstealthy looking. LOL

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Agreed. “The Black Jet” looks best all buttoned up, IMO.


Thanks, A bit of cockpit painting, slow but getting there.


Cockpit all painted and assembled.


I added the cockpit to the upper fuselage, put 23 grams of weight in the nose of the bottom fuselage and closed it up. When the glue had set up I added the canopy.


Painted wheel wells, closed up bomb bay and puttied up gaps. Not sure when next update is as Debby is just passed us here in Clearwater FL headed to GA and SC. My street is flooded and I have my chest waders from my fishing days. Seriously thinking of trekking back to New England, FL sucks and ain’t for me, last 10 years of retirement here have been a total bust.


Doesn’t sound good. I have a buddy outside Savannah who is downrange of the storm.

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Good luck to your friend…Debby suppose to hang round GA and Carolinas for next 4 days!!! LOTSA rain,rain…rain!!! Hope he has a boat! My street is still like Swanee River!

The bomb bay doors are sanded and I have the tails on.


I added the flaps and straightened the bent blade antenna on the right side of the upper fuselage. It came out of the box like that, finally noticed it was odd looking.


I ordered the decals.

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Decals arrived today.


On hold for a bit, needs some more sanding and need gloss paint.