F-15C-1/72 Hasegawa

I have this kit coming this week. Saw some kit decals for a USAFE unit with CR tail code stationed in the Netherlands, “Wolfhounds”. Sounds like a plan to me.

Here is the kit box art. Looks like a decent build.

Does it have any weapons ?

I had an Hasegawa F-15 D/DJ that you needed to get a weapons set for it.
Zero missiles inside.
Can’t be sure about the fuel tanks, but no weapons there.

No weapons, 3 fuel tanks. I have 4 1/72 Hasegawa weapons sets but I really only use minimal missiles as a rule. I dislike painting tons of bombs and rockets. I always seem to knock them off somehow.

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Most Hasegawa kits come without weapons. As you know to make a weapons set for those that want them.

My subject choice, kit decals have 79-027 decals.

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The kit just arrived. Off to wash the plastic and start detail painting the cockpit.

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Cockpit done.


A decent fit for an older kit.


A bit more work, jumping around a bit. Started the intakes and at the other end the exhaust nozzles. I still have 15 actuators to add to each nozzle.

Looking good. Seems like a nicely detailed cockpit area.

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I sprayed the intake interiors light ghost gray as per the instructions and glued the halves together. I did a test fit of them on the upper fuselage and they fit almost perfect. They are not glued in, I need to sand the seam on the bottom and remove some errant flash.I must have lucked out as this old kit’s fit is simply amazing.

The top and bottom of the rear fuselage is assembled and puttied. I also have started placing the 30 actuators on the exhaust nozzles.