What are the two grays used for top and bottom? I will be using Tamiya spray cans.
There are 3 different Grays
Dark Gray over wings FS 36118 Tamiya AS-27
Tail,sides,missle rails,nose FS 36270 Tamiya AS-28
Bottom FS 36375 Tamiya AS-26
I was surprised to just read that they are going to a one gray color scheme for F-16ās
Actually, USAF was painting their F-16s in a two color scheme, FS 36118 and FS 36270. Pylons and missile rails could be FS 36270 or FS 36375. Now they are going to the Have Glass (FS 36170) scheme.
Yea,depends on what time frame his build falls in.
Yeah, best I can find is USAF started the two color scheme in the mid 90s.
Iām finally getting ready to build an AFNG A-7K from the 107th TFS of the 127th TFW in the Michigan National Guard. It depicts the aircraft in about 1987 or 1988.
Are FS 36118 and FS 36270 the correct colors for this as well?
You are correct for the A-7
Tru Color paint has a set of the correct colors for the F-16.
For what time frame ?
All eras