I read somewhere that the Hobbyboss 1/48 F8F-1 prop has Issues, I cant find the source again. Anybody know what the problem(s) were? Any AM replacements?
Couldn’t find anything on the HB prop or a replacement. There was other issues with the cowl and wing but not prop in that kit. People didn’t like the Hobbycraft prop or 1/32 had issues which Barracuda makes a replacement.
I saw the barracuda 1/32 prop. Might have been something on the 1/32 I saw. What grumbles were there on the cowl/wing? The1/48 is basically a shrunk clone of the 1/32 so chances are the issues followed in the DNA. I seem to remember a set with resin engine and prop … cant find it again, and now not sure if it was 1/48 or 1/32.
This modeler doesn’t like the top profile of the cowl and the opening. The second issue is the wing is too thick and the vents are in the wrong location.
In 1/32 the shape of the propeller blades on the Trumpeter 1/32 scale Bearcat kits are poorly shaped and the subtle twist is not moulded correctly.
F8F Bearcat Propeller Review by Brett Green (BarracudaCast 1/32).
Not sure if that scales down to 1/48 in a way you can see.