First time I share a diorama on the internet. Built with a ruin of a farm (Royal Model n° 006), field kitchen (Tamiya n° 35247), figures assembled from my scratchbox and several 3D printed (homemade) details.
Good looking dio, with lots of attention to details!
Do you have more close up pics?
btw, when you want to upload more than 5 pics in a single post, just add the next batch after uploading the first 5…
That’s a really nice, relaxed scene! Lots of little details there that highlight just how important the field kitchen was to the common soldiery. Great job!
Close the door and don´t forget to wash your hands…
Lovely details in an interesting and engaging scene. You’ve incorporated some stunning brickwork into the piece but also the white pebble-dash has been given a good coat of dirt and grime with mossy and green deposits running down from above and seeping up from below which is a beautifully observed touch. I also like the wallpaper on the rubble-strewn, inner room!
Nice Work, Feld Küchen should be Feldküchen (Field Kitchen), otherwise it means cake
Thanks for the comments.
@ golikell, will try to upload some shortly.
@ HermannB, your invited to taste.
@ jon_a_its, blame it as always on Google Translate.
I found some detail pictures. So here they are. If you want to see something specific, feel free to ask.
Windows & Door
Pile of rubble on the hayloft
2 Half pigs
The “Gulaschkanone”
The limber
Stirring in the Gulasch
Talking & serving
Taking a crap
Entrance view 1
Entrance view 2
Entrance view 3