Figures for 1/35 Ersatz StuG

I’m getting in the holiday spirit and decided I’d start on Takoms 1/35 Esratz StuG. I realize this kit doesn’t have figures to go with it and was hoping to draw some inspiration on what figures to get. I could go with the box art and find two GIs inspecting it in a field or i was thinking of doing a tanker in coveralls posing as an American tanker. I know the crews had specific uniforms to identify them as Germans when coming up on German units but I’m not sure how complicated it’d be to add those details in. I’m open to suggestions, thanks in advance !

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I would take a look some Alpine figures, they have a few Battle of the Bulge US figures, as well as plenty of Germans in Winter uniforms.

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@grindcore im looking at the tankers in scarfs. I know the panzer brigade 150 told their guys in American uniforms to wear pink and blue scarfs for identification.

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