Finished Photos of 1/69 Scale Disney 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea Nautilus Submarine

Fellow Modelers,

Below are photos of 31” (1/69 scale) Disney Nautilus from the movie “20,000 Leagues Beneath the Sea”. I bought the kit in 2001 from a company called Sci-fi Matters. It was advertised as “20K Submarine” and did not reference Disney, Nautilus or the kit’s designer Scott Brodeen. It is a resin kit with a few of the smaller parts out of white metal. The parts had great detail, but required a good deal of “elbow grease” to achieve a proper fit. A lot of minor repairs were required to fix scratches in the upper and lower hull castings. I wound up replacing over 1,000 rivets (with 5-minute epoxy) that were lost during sanding. The base color was mixed per the instructions (black/gray/rust) which created a dark chocolate color. After it was applied, various shades of rust were added with an airbrush and pastel sticks. Finally, it was dry-brushed with Model Master Light Ghost Gray. I hope you enjoy the photos.


more photos…


final photos…


Absolutely gorgeous!

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Welcome aboard Phillip. Great looking build. :+1:


Gary_Kato/Tank_1812-Thanks for the welcome and compliments.


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What a great build and welcome to the forums Phillip. Cracking finish on it, the colour looks superb.


That’s a real beauty, Phillip! Love all the detail and paint work! :hammer_and_wrench::paintbrush:

—mike :squid:

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Fantastic build and paint :star_struck:

Johnnych01/justsendit/KoSprueone-Thanks for the welcome and great compliments!


:+1: :+1: :+1: :hugs: :hugs:
:smiley: :canada:

Sweet. Very nicely done

There have been s few kits of the “Disney boat” sans the Disney name over the years including a large vacuform kit I found in the early 90’s never did try it… cause to bring it up to acceptable levels I’d have spent the rest of my life scratch building it. And not using that kit… :joy:

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Robert_Goldman-Thanks. There have been a number of very poorly done resin and vac-form Disney Nautilus kits issued over the decades. I know because I bought several of them myself and ended up throwing them in the garbage! Currently there are 16", 31" and 48" size Disney Nautilus resin kits available for purchase that are nicely detailed and accurate. However, since they are resin you will have to do the extra work that resin requires to get a good looking model-and shell out the money.



Fantastic work Philip! That metal work just screams “STEAM PUNK”! I have the Pegasus kit of the Nautilus and I plan to use your paint formula on it. Great work!
Tom S.


as everybody says, a really fine model, great work! She looks splendid!


A fantastic build and paint job.
And welcome to the Forum.

tomschry-Thanks! The Pegasus Nautilus has a lot of raised detail that is well suited to this paint scheme and dry-brushing. Please post photos when you build yours.


madtatt-Thanks and I appreciate the welcome.


Phillip, super job with this iron classic! I must admit, replacing those 1,000 rivets would have defeated me… :face_with_peeking_eye:

Welcome to the forum, Phillip. Beautiful build!
Please tell us how you got all of those rivets to be of a consistant size. Made 10,000 and threw out the other 9,000? :smiley:


Nicely done!