Fire for Effect!

You’re making me want to pull this one out of the stash and get started:

Mike Koenig Photo ~ Patton Museum Event


I guess I’d like to hear from as many as possible on scope. I want to be inclusive, but do we want to include antitank guns? If we include antitank guns, then would we need to include tank destroyers?

My vote would be towed AT guns yes, Tank Destroyer and SPG vehicles no.



Being selfish, I vote for both towed and SPG artillery to open it for as many guys as we can. I really enjoy seeing the variety and skill others display and that is why builds I initiate have wide parameters.

I would suggest no dedicated direct fire type weapons like A/T weapons and no Anti-Aircraft weapons as we can have a separate build for each of those types. Builds for those type of weapons pop up regularly.

Look at weapons like mortars, field guns, rocket launchers, etc. Man portable weapons could be okay as long as the end result includes at least one figure (e.g. a mortar and crew) to add some ‘complexity’ to the build. Maybe even include V1 and V2 as the were explosives ‘fired for effect’ rather than accuracy!

I would be happy if the build included weapons designed and intended to fulfil a support roll such as a StuH, Sherman 105mm Howitzer, etc. If the main weapon is a “howitzer” let it in.


I’ve been eyeballing a British QF-6 pounder from AFV Club that’s has been winking at me from the shelves of my local hobby shop. :rofl:


it would be my third AFV Club build in my lifetime (first one was their M35A2 2.5t truck and the second one is their M1126 Stryker ICV).

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First you say you want to make it as broad a framework as possible which I can whole heartedly support.

But then you want to throw out AT and AA guns. I’m confused about just what you are trying for here.

Why don’t we just say all recoil capable weaponry is banned and that would rule out everything after the WW I Schneider designed 75mm other than mortars and recoilless rifle/artillery. (Would the Antos be in or out?)

Yeah, we actually have a campaign that allows AT guns going even as we speak…

I would like to offer a perspective on towed AT guns. I think things like StuG should be out. But towed AT guns should be in. Consider this report ( - last page) that discusses XX corps artillery in the fighting around the Saar Moeselle. According to the report the third highest volume of shells fired in an artillery role came from 3” anti tank guns (likely M5 guns)

I’ll now step off my soap box

If its an Artillery group build then AT guns should not be included. They are purpose built direct fire weapon platforms.

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Fair enough, looks like I’ll be getting the M2A1 instead of the M5 AT gun

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OK, I’m confused. :confused:
Is this in or out?
How about this?


I’ve got no dog in this hunt, but let’s be real - the thread starts this way:

Group Build Description: Artillery.

The FLAK gun could be used in the AA role, as an anti-tank gun, and, hang on - a traditional artillery gun.
And the Long Tom? Does it get any more arillery than that?

And then there’s a guy above ruling out SPG’s altogether?

I feel like if it were a NASCAR build Toyota would be banned because no one was was running moonshine in one back in the day.


Michael. What I meant by broader was to include mortars and rockets, and portable weapons, which was in answer to the earlier query about these types of weapons if you look back a ways.

Really, I am OK with anything you may choose.

Heres my little take on it … and a teaser question at the end.

When I read the thread intro like I quoted above, Group Artillery Build - Artillery ; its simple, its a dedicated Arty campaign, no more, no less.

For me as a serving squaddie, Arty has always been a (indirect) weapon that launches rounds beyond the range of most infantry/tank weapons and usually either over the FEBA into enemy territory as suppression or a prelim to an attack etc …

To me such Arty platforms could be anything from horse drawn to the crazy railway guns.

If something has Flak/AA or AT in its name, then its not arty.

Hummel/Wespe types - yes

2S3/109’s/AS90/Abbotts/PzH 2000/Bereg/Archer/Long Tom/M110 etc etc — yes

Rocket launched systems HIMARS/MLRS/TOS/BM13/21/27/Calliope/ Sd.Kfz. 4 - yes

A StuG/StuH is actually not as tricky as you’d think as its original designation was Assault Artillery to be used as close support for infantry so that could get an inclusion as it did have an intended arty role in its first concept … the only ones I would say no to is from when then got purposely up-gunned and took over a more dedicated AT role. ( the F version ? )

8.8 Flak 37 etc etc … No, the clue being in the title

Pak 40/43/44 M157mm … No - designated AT guns.

Anyway … Thats what I think Artillery is …

Now, a bit of a trick question … If the guidelines were relaxed … Could I enter a Chieftain tank in the group build ? Answers on a post card lol … :grin:

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I guess so, if it is this one:

Vickers built a self contained turret containing a 155 mm howitzer and mounted it on a Chieftain.


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Nope, this is only to do with a Chieftain gun tank :grin:

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You keep stretching that bungee cord my friend…


lol … I will reveal soon …

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