I built the original kit in the when it was first released. I put a lot of work into accurizing and a ton of scratchbuilding into it. Then went to nursing school and forgot about it for 20 years. Recently crawled through attic and found it. Decided to re-paint it and add a few details. I think it came out OK. Thanks for inviting me to the board.
Nice job on the mono green. Well worn look without abuse. Weathering just right for my taste.
What’s that contraption strapped to the rear deck?
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Really great job ! Love the weathering
Lovely work on this old kit. I think you have really got the best out of it in terms of detail and painting.
Very nicely done Robert, very nice indeed.
Very nice ! I’ll second the sentiment of nice job on an old kit. What I like the most is how you’ve handled the lashing on the water tank, very realistic. Is this the SP designs resin tank ?
Yes, it’s the SP Designs tank. I replaced the molded on handles with wire to get the “rope” through them.