First Sergeant Donald Don Wardaddy Collier, Tank Commander Fury | Armorama™

A superb figure painter Christos Katselos and his stunning work on the First Sergeant Donald "Don" "Wardaddy" Collier, Tank Commander, 66 Armour Regiment, 2nd Armoured Division "Fury"

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Fury, great movie !

Nicely done figure, perhaps a bit too clean for a soldier tired by war:

Perfect haircut, no abrasion, cuts, dirt on face and clothes.

That is a 1/16 LIFE MINIATURES resin figure.

3 stripes and one rocker seems to be a Staff Sgt, not a First Sgt. Every US Army First Sgt chevron I’ve ever seen had a diamond in center, I’ve seen 3 stripes 2 rockers, and 3 & 3 as WWll First Shirts, but always included the diamond.
Any experts have more info?

In the movie he was the acting 1SG, his rank was SSG though.

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OK, that explains it, thanks.

I think Brad Pitt did a good job portraying the crusty, seasoned war veteran NCO in “Fury”.



Some of the figures I’ve seen out there look great and capture that “Seen too much” trait typical of a very salty combat solider like “Wardaddy”.

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Up until 1942, First Sergeant insignia was two rockers and a diamond. The third rocker for First Sergeant, along with the various technician “T” rank chevrons were added in 1943.

US Army WWII ranks

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Which explains why Burt Lancaster has 3 up, 2 down, and a diamond in the movie “From Here to Eternity”…it was set in 1941. I wondered when that changed, my Uncle was a First Sgt in (late) WWll ETO, I have his chevrons…3up, 3 down w/diamond.
One learns something every day.

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In the movie he starts out as just a tank commander, SSG. He gets moved up to platoon Sgt. I don’t remember him getting moved up to 1SG, I may have to dig out the DVD and watch it again.
And yeah, he is not dirty enough!

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Very well done!
Too bad you can’t replicate the sweetheart grip, but that really would be asking a lot.

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