First Snow First Blood

Took a break from the military figures and dioramas for a while to venture into the fantasy genre. I’ve always been a big fan of R.A. Salvatore’s novels in the Forgotten Realms setting. Wulfgar the Barbarian in particular captured my imagination. Wulfgar was the inspiration for this goblin battle vignette. All the characters are original 3D ZBrush sculptures which I printed and painted. Scale is approximately 1/12.

Dropped the first photograph into Photoshop and added the background and snow effects for more of a story telling element. The rest are straight from the camera. Enjoy


that’s some amazing work you’ve done there, what 3d printer do you use?

Thanks for the kind words.

I have a Phrozen Sonic Mini 4k Resin printer. For bigger prints such as Wulfgar, I broke the model into smaller parts (torso, arms, legs, etc.).