First Use: "Desert Plains" Display Base by MIG

Product From: Ammo by MIG Jimenez
Catalog # MIG-8486

These new bases (flexible base mats actually) offered by MIG almost seem like cheating, they are so completely finished and beautiful.

  • The mats are 9 1/2 inches square.
  • They come mounted to a flexible sub-state that reminds me somewhat of the popular "Scotch-Brite"® kitchen scrubbing pads.
  • They come in a 10" x 10" blister pack that is reusable should you want to only use the base occasionally (keeps the dust off) or for transporting them for use at a competition.

These flexible mats are extremely realistic and 3 dimensional, with pre-attached grass, rocks and low brush. With some added unpinnings these mats can be made to simulate gently rolling ground work for an even greater 3D affect.
They appear to come in several shades/colors from green forest to dry desert. Unfortunately this one color style; “Desert Plains” was the only one left in stock at Scale Reproductions when I arrived just today in Louisville.


Example Uses:


This will give you some idea of the pad’s flexibility:

Then if you would just like to see something in more of a green (Olive Drab that is) shade:


Guilty say I. :raised_hand::grin:
I’ve been using two varieties with very pleasing results so far. I’ll be ordering more in the future.


With just a little effort, two (or more) mats can be butted together to create a larger base. Also, I generally do a bit of paint touchup to add more shadow depth to finalize a scene.

—mike :seedling:



I was going to do later research into exactly what other colors are available from MIG. Thanks for sharing these.

I would wish that they might offer somewhat larger mats in the future. (This one just is not going to hold my big Russian 8x8!) Also I have a bit of a concern with the idea of joining two mats together without showing a seam though it should be possible. As just a suggestion MIG might want to offer a mat without the hint of a roadway crossing the area at a diagonal. That is just not always going to be the desired orientation ALL the time.

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I’m getting a little goofy here!

Remember the ad slogan: “Everything tastes better when it sits on a Ritz!”

Well I am beginning to think: “Everything LOOKS better when it sits on a MIG”


What is the cost of one?

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@ Michael (165thspc). The manufacturers never seem to provide examples with a model “sitting” on their product for scale since they are multi-suited. Your examples are the best (assuming 1/35) that I’ve seen. … The horse rider! :+1:

BTW: MIG has non tire-worn mats as well. You can scrape & pick away to your own personal taste. (save the fallen bits for blending and/or later use).

Take a look at the MIG website. It’s a bit puzzling to find what you want on eBay (sight unseen) :jigsaw: and it’s a gamble until your order arrives. …:game_die::game_die: But I’ve been lucky so far.

Here’s an example of two ‘AMMO by Mig (8353) Spring Steppe (5"x9")’ mats butted, taped-together, glued and in their not quite finished blending state. The left portion was cut down to fit the base. :scissors:

—mike :seedling:


PS: I just remembered seeing these ‘Airfield’ mats which may interest someone.


—mike :seedling:


Just - I really like the blending job you did on those two mats.
And yes, all my Armor models are 1/35th or I model nothing at all! (Aircraft 1/32nd)

Elefant6 - do you really want to know how much they cost? Isn’t this more a “just take my money” type of situation? (Ha, ha!)
(This one was $36 and change, before tax.)


Boy that “Small Bushes Autunm” would sure work for doing a late Summer attack on the Eastern Front.



Looks Very similar to the Model Scene brand of mats.

I get one mat and cut it in half. Nice size for a small bit of groundwork for a single vehicle without taking up acres of real estate (pun intended!)

I lay some plaster as an undulating base and let it set. I then brush PVA/Water on the back to both soften and and add glue, then lay the Model Scene mat over that. The backing can then be pressed down and moulded over the plaster.


If you will notice in the very first enlarged label photo I posted, it says: “Licensed by Model Scene.”

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Be advised: They are only clumps of bushes, however, they are nice and I do use them from time-to-time. I purchased them assuming it was a mat… not so. This is where MIG’s advertising lacks some clarity. HTH.

Here’s an example: Three “Small Bushes Autumn” glued around a signpost’s base.

As far as money… As they say… “Time is money.”

—mike :seedling:


Well, the Mig mats look nice, especially with the tire ruts already done. But they are definitely small. May I suggest to get thee to Scenic Express:

Scroll down to find the Silflor Savannah Grass Dry Turf Mats. They are listed as 50x31.5 cm but are actually 53x35cm, approximately 13-1/2” x 21” and come in three or four shades for the turf bits. Here is their “Spring Tone” mat:

Here is a side-by-side of the “Spring Tone” and “Summer Green”:

Scenic Express is a gold mine of all things scenery; be careful or you may blow your budget!

These are very easy to cut into smaller pieces etc and blend and so on; they look extremely similar to what Mike has shared. Happy modeling all!



I should add that these particular mats are currently $34.99 plus shipping. They have many many other brands and styles in a range of prices.



Ah, I didn’t read the fine print!

At 9.5 " square they are different to the Model Scene mats I use , which are 7x11. 7 x 5.5 is a nice size for two small vehicle dios. 9.5 x 9.5 would be perfect for two vehicles in a resupply dio or similar.

I note the original Model Scene ones are much cheaper, at least here in Australia.


Fyi, your link is messed up.


Ack! Thanks Ryan, I’ll edit my post. That takes you to some other wonky website.


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I’ve used the Model Scene mats a couple of times:

(2 different versions)

The model scene mats indeed are much cheaper (prices do vary, depending on complexity):