I had some questions about some paint colors on the Flak 38. Mainly the knobs and dials on this piece
Some of the knobs on the side and near the gunners area
As well as the gunners seat. The painting instructions for this kit are non existent and I am finding it hard to find non restored pictures of the flak 38
The knobs are black:
The two front most sets you have circled on the sides are not knobs. Regardless all of the side ones and the struts on the traversing /elevation wheels are painted the gun colour.
This is of the 3cm Flak but the carriage and traverse/elevation wheels are the same:
Thanks! Great photos appreciate it! Another question. The square sight (top of this photo)
Was it filled with glass? It’s solid on the kit but i would like to paint it correctly
Curious…is the back of the gunner’s seat linked to the elevation gear so that it automatically “leans” back to keep his (the gunner’s) posture in line with the target, or does it just passively adjust as the gunner himself leans back as he follows the target? In the above pics, the seat backs are all angled according to the guns’ elevation, even though there is no one sitting in the seat.
On artillery gun sights like this I usually drill a slight depression (1 - 2 mm), paint the inside black, and put a tiny drop of clear gloss, or Micro Scale Krystal Klear (or similar).
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There was a glass pane on the front, it was open at the rear:
K59 does a replacement part for Dragon’s Flak 38 which shows how it looks:
Some more an the panel:
Thanks a ton! This helps a lot!
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