Flyhawk's latest release

Flyhawk’s latest release is from so far out of left field that it’s not even in the ball park:

:smiley: :canada:


That thing looks remarkably similar to a common house fly. Make a great diorama with a fly swat beside it.

Oddly enough, it’s already been “swatted”. China has claimed their rover is immobile on Mars, and is not expected to move any longer.
:smiley: :canada:

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Zero surprise, that’s what I’d expect trying to use precision parts made in China for a space program.


Uhhh, many Chinese precision parts have been used by several countries.
:smiley: :canada:

Yes, but those countries had quality control :smiley: :blush: :grinning: to make sure !

To expand on your comment, US must have had Chinese quality control on their Challenger launch! :thinking: :exploding_head:
:smiley: :canada:

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Surely you know the story since you referenced it.

The Challenger diaster was basically the result of arrogant American management making extraordinarily poor decisions to launch at an unsuitable temperature. The o-ring design was suboptimal but the GO decision under the wrong conditions “ignited” the catastrophe.

Like I said - sub-par quality control (with bad decision-making). :thinking: :exploding_head:
:smiley: :canada:

Design, Engineering, Quality Control & Management aren’t the same thing in case you are unaware. The Challenger diaster wasn’t so much a QC issue as it was suboptimal design & poor decisions by management coming together in a deadly combination.

Sadly that managerial arrogance (no need to inspect tiles with telescope) remained at NASA and second disaster Columbia followed.

Deep Water Horizon yet another example of managerial arrogance causing a diaster.

While i don’t respect Chinese Quality Control particularly, the Chinese do a great job of putting arrogant incompetent management and government officals in front of anti aircraft artillery for execution. I applaud the Chinese accordingly.

Probably at least 2 of 3 US diasters mentioned would have been avoided with chi-Comm accountability :grinning::smiley::slightly_smiling_face:

There were no quality control issues; the o rings were well made but were being used under conditions they were not designed for. As mentioned, the accident was triggered by the arrogance of management.

I say this not only as a Florida resident who witnessed the shuttle incident in real-time but also as someone whose uncle was working for Morton-Thiokol at their Orlando office at the time.

I was also affected by the arrogance of BP due to being a Gulf Coast resident.

The best quality control in the world doesn’t matter if management doesn’t know or care what they are doing.


Nice addition to Space modeling but it will be cool to have a similar scale or bit larger Mars Rover.

Maybe Flyhawk will introduce a new line of space exploratory vehicles in similar scales. That way you could build dio’s of “Mars Wars”! :rofl:
:smiley: :canada:



:smiley: :canada:




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