Another weapon set from BRAVO*6 ; FN FAL - Fusil Automatique Legere battle rifle.
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Another weapon set from BRAVO*6 ; FN FAL - Fusil Automatique Legere battle rifle.
Chritmas list goddies for me… though the bayonets would appear to be from their SLR/L1A1 versions. The only bayonet I ever had for a FAL was a socket type.
I was never ever issued a bajonet
Only ever had one for ceremonial duties, not much call for bayonets on ship🙄but still had the frog issues as kit and had to keep it blancoed😩
Lovely, Hopefully we will see a folding stock version also…!
Oh, very nice, thanks mate.
Greatly appreciated.
Just to say I’ve just taken delivery of a pair of MicroCosmos FALs - ohh my… beautiful.