FS36170 or "Have Glass V" Stealth or RAM Paint

Hey Guys, I have recently returned to hobby and just dived in modern-era aircraft. One thing that intrigues me is this new “Have Glass V”, stealthy coating being applied to newer F-35’s, F-22’s(?), and F-16’s. I am only familiar with the old, perhaps gen I coatings, as used on U-2’s, A-11’s, and SR-71’s. This was also referred to as “Iron Ball”, due to the metallic powder added to the paint, so as to discombobulate incoming radar waves. My assumption is this “Have Glass V” is the 5th generation of this sort of coating, which may or may not include this original one. Being that as it may, I find this topic fascinating. So I am in the process of making a “Fat Amy”, with this later Have Glass V coating. After looking around, I settled on Mr Paint’s FS36170 base coat, and their “Have Glass V” stealth overcoat. It seems there is much discussion on this, and the amount and color of metallic content. Some are adding more straight aluminum/titanium, others are using a more “Bronzine” approach. I find it interesting that Tamiya suggests mixing one of their IJN grays with a NATO brown to achieve the correct look; I am assuming they are basing this on the F-35’s they have seen. And I believe they have some new colors out to more closely emulate it. As a side note, I’ve always found it amusing that the Japanese oftentimes know a lot more about our hardware than we do, seeing as they have more access to it than the average guy stateside. But anyways, I was interested in getting any other info and opinions on the subject. A last note. As previously mentioned, the “scale effect” might also have to be taken into the equation. I am looking at both 1/48 and 1/32 scales here. Pretty much settled on Tamiya for 1/48 but it seems a toss-up between Italeri and Trumpeter in 1/32.


Sounds like you’ve got a pretty good handle on the subject. Some folks undercoat in silver and then mist on the top coat color to allow the sheen to appear in shifting light. I’ve rarely seen it done convincingly, however.

Plus, this was more of an effect on the Raptor. The new Have Glass on the Lightning II and F-16 appear much more like standard paints.

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From all the information/commets I have read about the 1/32 F-35 kits…Italeri wins the toss up. Not perfect but better than Chines kit.

As for your ambition to create Have Glass finish on a 1/32…that is going to be a challenge. Sveral guys have tried and most have failed to capture that look. So, I do hope you will be successful and get the painting formula right and share your work here.

Oh and I am sure you might have already heard or read but if not…Speed Hunter Decals are no longer in business. However, before Jake closed the shop he gave us several Have Glads options in 1/48 and 1/32 and the decals are still available in the market for a far price.

So, good luck!!

Thanks guys for the replies. Yeah trying to duplicate something this shifty is going to be a chore. I think I’m just going to have to go with a certain setting, such as broad daylight, on the ramp. The air-to-air stuff, or “Mach Loop” stuff looks so different, compared to a/c just sitting on the ramp! So the lighting effect, whether at “sea level” or at altitude sure makes a difference. And that’s the whole point I suppose. The irony is that “visual effects” are almost irrelevant to RCS and fighting BVR.

One thing I’ve also noticed, that the complexity of modern fighters, and therefore, modern kits is through the roof. On the Tam kits, I have had to study the parts, instructions several days just to sort it all out. And of course I’m adding to my workload by getting all the add-on doo-dads. But how can you resist; those ejection seats n stuff are stand-alone works of art.

Thanks for the tip on decals; I will check those out. Hard to find “LN” or Lakenheath-marked birds.

TRU-COLOR Paint has the true paint used on ALL Modern Stealth Aircraft .

Right on I have checked them out, as well as Mission Models, AK Interactive, MRP, and Mr. Hobby. I decided to go with MRP for airbrushing, and Mr. Hobby for brush work. I like MRP’s Have Glass overcoat, which I will probably add some sort of metallic to.
I saw one tutorial on YT with a 1/32 F-16, where the guy did a complete metallic undercoat, and then lightly sprayed the gray over it. That looked pretty damn good to my eye.
Anyways, stuck working in the cockpits at this point. And sanding a butt-load of RAM tape.