Fw 190D-13 Nordenham Production | AeroScale

I was very happy to get the chance to see this new tooled Focke Wulf FW 190D –13 and to review it and then be able to give you an honest opinion on just how good or bad it is, looking forward to this one

This is partial text from the full article (usually with photos) at https://aeroscale.net/news/fw-190d-13-nordenham-production

The motor cannon ammo box is completely fictitious.

It should be like the Ta152 - the port side of cannon at back of engine has an ammunition canister and chute built around the cannon. It kind of curves around it.
On the starboard side is an oil container.

The D-9 also has cowling guns as well as a motorkanone - so if ammo was above the cowling guns would not fit.

What is above is a small oil reservoir. On the D-9 it is small enough to fit between cowling guns.

IBG decided to give me some false info by stating that the ammo can is in museum pictures. Which is not true.

Also they say it’s in their sources - again: not true.

I asked for a reference but they declined to provide one - simply because it doesn’t exist.

People and companies make mistakes but to tell flat out lies for financial gain is despicable, pointless and unnecessary. Shame on all those reviewers who are aware but say nothing