Looking good, enjoy following the build!
Thanks Armor_Buff
I use four tools
A Scriber from Trumpeter
Make Rivets from Trumpeter but not so good
Scriber from Ulstar
Saw from JLC
The make rivet I want change for one with handle made wood.
Alnd the model preparation is coming to an end.
As I spent a long time without assembling it, I ran out of paint, I already placed the order and I’m waiting for it to arrive so I can continue.
Last parts!
Everything is looking superb.
Now I will start a other kit while I wait the paints arrive in my workbench.
grate build so far but your spotless bench makes me ashamed of mine.
Thanks dude.
I hope finish good this kit.
Finally finished the Dry Fit of this kit, I foresee headaches when aligning the fuselage in the front part.
Very nice kit
so what happened with this build?