G-5 class motor torpedo boat

Happened to picked this 1/35 kit recently. Seems it’s the same as the Merit kit. Anyone have any references for the cabin or any other tips about building it?

Thanks in advance,


I had started the Merit version a few years back and found references few and far between. I picked up one booklet and that had few pictures of the interior. I cobbled one together using what few images I could find. But I make no claims as to accuracy.

The layout is generally correct, but I did have to use a bit of artistic license for some details. Hope this helps a bit.


That looks good. :+1::+1:
Thanks for the information/photos.

Glad to help.

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All of the Merit kits are the same as the ILK releases. The Merit kits were all molded by Trumpeter, who have now released them under the ILK brand - G5, X-Craft, M19 Tank Transporter, 1/48 PT Boats, 1/16 sFH18, K18 & M198, 1/18 Flak 36, 1/72 OSA Class Missile Boats, etc.


Check this out :
Торпедный катер Г-5 (1/38) [Форумы Balancer.Ru] (airbase.ru)


:scream: only 6 pages in and lots of good information and photos. Thanks a bunch Piet. :+1::+1:

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One of the link rabbit holes led me here for a walk around.

Along with this rc build.

If I’m looking for something from a specific country,
I search in that language (using Google Translate) and also on different search engines. :+1:

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You’ll love those snippers!

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It is a nice kit. Armament and some surface details changed a bit between the production batches. You might replace the bulleyes rims with better ones made of brass from the RC ship modelling store. Remember when painting that the boats were made from duraluminium that tended to corrode very quickly when in contact with sea water. That was the reason why the boats were removed from the water when at harbour. Wikipedia has a useful article too.

Happy modelling!

  • dutik
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I am unfamiliar with the term or rc shops. Do have a link to a similar product or recommendation of where to order?


Sorry for poor English. I was talking about remote controlled ship models. That kind of ship models that really go on the water. RC ship modelling shops feature a wide range of brass parts for all the fittings of a ship. Look for “porthole frames” of proper diameter.


  • dutik
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Good looking interior.

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