Gatehouse France 1944

Thanks G , thanks PB12 , preciate it !!
Sorry for the boatload of pics but I’m still a little hung over from St. Paddy’s Day .
It all started yesterday morning when we decided to try doing Irish yoga .

Panzer IV muzzle brakes make good coach lamps and the spare roadwheel holder made good steps .


A few more …


The most unique way of clearing a spares’ box I have seen to date! Nice!
I hafta ask though. Is this the St Paddys day version of the carriage as well?

Hi Glenn,

Nice bit of ‘kit-bashing’, don’t think I’d ever have thought of muzzle brakes as coach lamps, :thinking: :slightly_smiling_face:.

cheers, :beer:,


A wonderful building with lovely colors and details :ok_hand:


Pah - lamps outta muzzle brakes, child’s play! Guess what he’s using to scratch the horses…


Awesome, my smack’s still getting over being gobbed :tumbler_glass:

Thanks JR , G , Micke , Tommy Chong and the dinosaur dude !!

JR, glad you mentioned color . I actually researched paint colors from the 17 and early 18 hundreds .
They were mostly primary colors because of the difficulty in making consistent batches without differences in tone and hue . I didn’t like yellow or blue and red was out of the question .

My neighbor asked me if the Irish yoga thing would offend the Irish ? I told him I was half Irish and I’m not offended and was born on St. Paddys Day , besides that half of my family would punch first and then go back to drinking their beer if they felt offended .
My family was half Irish and half Polish . We were lower middle class [ kinda poor ] and my parents had to buy us kids clothes at the Army and Navy store .
I went to school up to the sixth grade dressed as a Japanese admiral …


Hahahahaaaa An Admiral huh?
That does jolt the memory though. Things have changed a lot over the decades since I was that age. I got new clothes only because I was the oldest and the only boy. My poor sisters though. that was another thing. I had three and so by the time the youngest got to wearing the hand me downs, they were kinda rugged. Poor kid. But when that is all you know, you don’t pay it that much attention right ?

Man, you have been busy Bro, looks great!!!

Ya got that right JR .
Ski thanks man !!
Laid off on the Ivy , just a little more on the other side .


I love the multi level look of the whole deal here. Cool cellar door too.

Ok, now that’ I’ve seen the latest plaster work, I’d have to say the outside work can wait, HA!

Thanks JR !!
BroSki , it’s been raining more than not , soooooo more bench time , darn !!

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I forgot to add a shout out for this product . I rolled the dice and ordered it not knowing what I’d get in the way of quality , realism/relief etc.
Small random shapes [ a lot ] with a fine raised effect that looks very real as far as moss goes .
Well worth it , for less than ten bucks and you get a lot . Much better than messing with gobs of paint .


Looking real good that moss stuff ,not to mention the stairs ,Top as always !

Fantastic … Every part of it… A masterpiece in the making :+1:

All I can say is, Holy Cow!

Hi Glenn,

Outstanding attention to detail, the steps and built up areas really do look solid and substantial, and the ornate balustrading is going to look amazing once picked out in colour, :+1: :slightly_smiling_face:.

Cheers, :beer:,


Very cool addition, this moss (otherwise they would have fallen off, if too hot (actually an old dutch saying: it is so hot the moss is falling dead of the roof), and I LOVE the stairs… what will you put in the dry moat?