Started this one, from Bronco, with some goodies since the last one had so ruined decals.
The syrians had a bunch but we captured enough of them . There’s only one left in the museums collection.
Oh I didn’t knew that.
The only versions I saw were Warsaw Pact , mainly Czech and DDR.
Was it accurate ? The missiles were guided by wire, right ?
Yeah joystick
Egypt was also a user
I bought three of them (just the passenger vehicle version) to show burned out ones in '67. Unfortunately the wheels and tires are not separate. Trumpeter UAZ-469 to the rescue. I can swap them out, Unfortunately not so with the wheels from the horrid MW kit, which has no redeeming value whatsoever.
Well, I can burn the parts and use the soot to blacken my front sight post.
Yes, and fairly accurate. One tank loss by the IDF attributed to it in '67.
An YT clip showing 2P26 in Yugoslavian Army:
ATM operator training is shown from 2:26(Plako means Easy).
The main problem with regard to fire accuracy came from the human factor- after 2 weeks leave/pause in training, even the best Shmel marksman could score only one hit with 4 missiles fired.For WP conscripted armies it meant that one 2P26 could possibly kill/damage one armoured vehicle and then it was out of action(ammo fired, no reloading in battlefield conditions possible).Fielding one 2P26/2P27 for each NATO tank was impossible, so another solution was found-the Malyutka ATM.
Bronco’s 2P26 is a little gem, but has some omissions too.
It lacks the tarpaulin covering the rear and the missiles lack some of their steering surfaces.Nothing too difficult to add.
Will follow your build!
Thanks for the info and the video Angel !
I guess they are related…
That’s a great start.