German 50 mm Granatwerfer

Does anyone produce 1/35 ammo and ammo cases for this weapon:
:smiley: :canada:

Yes, it is available in the Dragon Gebirgsjäger 1940-41 figure set # 6345. The ammo case is open however and no extras. It is also available in the 13th Mountain Division set # 6067. One closed ammo case is included. I ended up scratching a wooden ammo box as an extra.

Yeah…I know. I already have that set and I want some extra ammo for them as I seem to have lost their original ammo case! :sob: Guess I’ll have to scratch!
:smiley: :canada:

BTW…There used to be a French site called “Kisten…something or other”. Had photos (interiors and exteriors) and dimensions of hundreds of German WWll ammo containers. Haven’t been able to find it for several years. Did they disappear, or something?
:smiley: :canada:

You could get a silicone rubber molding / casting kit and make duplicates of the kit parts. Or if that’s too much of a hassle, this site has photos and dimensions for the wooden boxes.

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It’s still online, and hopefully forever because it is a real gem:


Thanks, both. Bookmarked the Wehrmacht Kistens. Don’t want to lose it again!
:smiley: :canada:

If you’re desperate SOGA’s mini-mortar team is still available at BNA.

Surely there must be a 3D printed ammo set available somewhere???

Maybe this will interest you:

Mmmm…nice figures! :drooling_face: Nicer than Dragon’s set!
:smiley: :canada:

Thanks Petbat. The Plusmodel kit is what I’m looking for.
:smiley: :canada:

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