German anti-drone rifle

No fancy radar systems on ATV´s, just a portable jammer and an assault rifle with smartsight.


The French Army prefers to use ravens…It’s even cheaper :wink:


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What do they do when the drone is not carrying coffee? :slight_smile:
I read of other nations that use predators (Eagles or Hawks) to bring down drones.

Hmmm if the French army really is using them no wonder the submarines contract bombed :grimacing: . My son lives in Canberra and has the scars to prove “ravens” (aka currawongs locally) are totally untrainable, vicious & indiscriminate attackers of anything that moves in the sky or on the ground at nesting time :drop_of_blood: :tumbler_glass:

I was just joking Tim…In fact the French Army is currently testing a laser weapon that seems to work :
Don’t know if they’re planning to sell it to Australia though … :wink:


I know you were mon ami, so was I about the subs… :roll_eyes: It wouldn’t surprise me if the French deployed them (the laser) Down Under rather than sell any :upside_down_face: :tumbler_glass:

The dutch are experimenting with them too…