Germany’s French Allies 1941-45 | Armorama™

Randy L Harvey reviews the book, Germany’s French Allies 1941-45 from Osprey Publishing by author Massimiliano Afiero and illustrator Ramiro Bujeirowith series editor Martin Windrow.

This is partial text from the full article (usually with photos) at
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Interesting book. I’ll have to get this one to go along with my other German Allied series. I knew generally that many French were enthusiastic to join the germans. Look forward to reading the content and analysis.


Ah, the French Vichy Government.

Henri Phillipe Peitan - Synonimous for traitor to the French people.

  • Some French people - depending on their political viewpoint,
  • many French citizens fought quite legally for the Vichy or indeed the Germans - if they had been born before 1914 in the then German provinces of Alsace-Lorraine as German citizens, Petain was the legitimate head of state of Vichy-France , De Gaulle was merely a renegade French Colonel who represented himself and British interests - in fact the United States of America actually diplomatically recognised the Vichy Regime as the de-facto legitimate government of France - along with it`s head of state as legitimate leader - Marshal Petaine - FACT.