Gold Mine Electric Locomotives For Sale in South Dakota

Anyone need these for their railroad collection?? A person just never knows what will come up for sale. These are available here in South Dakota. Just thought I would share the pictures and information. :slight_smile:

Homestake Mining Company tramway locomotive. $2,500.

Electric locomotive. Tramway and battery hybrid style. Custom made for Homestake in '91. Taken out of the mine in 2001. Stored indoors since. It is still operable with a power source. Located in Central City. Make an offer. This goes to the scrapyard next summer.

Homestake mining company locomotive $5,000

Mining locomotive from Homestake. Stored indoors for 24 years since the mine closed. Rolls. Would work again with a power source. Located in Central City. 5k obo or trades. They get scrapped next summer.

Randy :slight_smile:


Pass, SWMBO would not approve.
Freight across the Atlantic would be prohibitive.


Not only the postage to the UK, it would take up the entire hobby room! :thinking:

I want the locomotive and coach used by Jim West and Artemis Gordon. It would make an excellent mobile model workshop.


Id like to hook it up to a caboose that I modified to a mobile modeling center.

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You want some tracks to go with that order, Sir?

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