Golden Hind, Airfix 1/72ish

Really nice update work on a kit from yesteryear…

Nice work on the bowsprit deck grating. I love the combination of cutting edge 3D printing and old school modeling!

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Can we bend it?

Yes we can!

Great Success!

Also, replacements have arrived.

…they appear almost identical to the Godhand nippers. But a bit cheaper and WAY classier.

Edit: Now with more unifying greyness.


Beaky bits. Chopping gluing sanding filing yadda yadda yadda.

All nice and chunky now. Just the poop (chortle) to go.


Like the way you have curved the plastic. Nicely done :smiley:

In more ways than one – I see the last two photos, and my first thought is “Where are the heads?” There would be a one-holer or two-holer on either side of the bowsprit for the crew to use when they had to take a dump.

I’m not a hundred percent sure, but I don’t think crews heads existed beyond a handy bucket until after this particular era. This Picture of the Wasa shows them, but is a much larger ship from 50 or sixty years later.

Still, it’s a nice human element and I may bung a couple in anyway.

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Wow, amazing work and lots of ideas for my future planned Victory of Nelson!



The Swiss Dominican monk Felix Fabri, on a pilgrimage in 1483-1484, recounted a description of the toilets aboard ship. The translation of his account from A History of Private Life, Volume II, Revelations of the Medieval World states “In the morning, when the pilgrims get up and their stomachs ask for grace, they climb the bridge and head for the prow, where on either side of the spit privies have been provided. Sometimes as many as thirteen people or more will line up for a turn at the seat…” ( Ship Toilets — Why is it called the "head", anyway? )

So from at least one actual historical account there were formal heads in ships fairly early; other references suggest that in more primitive accommodations there was only a rail on each side that you hung your ass over.

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Oh. Thanks. Super useful. I shall add a couple of heads.

Ah not a modicum of privacy but plenty of fresh air as a consolation.

The 3D printed gratings are excellent! From where did you get them?



oh. I really must get back to this.

The gratings are my own creations.

That’s what the poop deck was for! Wouldn’t want to be holystoning THAT deck! :scream: :rofl:
:grinning: :canada:

They are beautiful!


So much for privacy

Privacy? On a sailing ship of the period? It is to laugh. The captain, a few of his officers, perhaps some of the warrant officers, and that’s it; no one else would have their own cabin – and that’s the only place where they could have privacy.

Back when I was a kid I read every book that I could find on Sir Francis Drake and I built the Revell Golden Hind back in the 70’s. I also have an original Revell issue currently in my stash. I recently picked up the Heller Golden Hind and was wondering if the Heller kit is the same as the Air fix kit. I’ll be following this build closely.

Rather late to the party on this build, after a long absence I am getting an interest back in the age of sale. reading through, the custom 3D printed parts are impressive.

I will be following along and trying to learn a bit. Strangely the Airfix Wasa is one of the kits in my stash, I will need to practice on a few simpler rigging jobs first.

Cheers, Si

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Hmmm…Privacy, or piracy. Gotta watch out for those privvy-pirates! :scream:
(They steal the toilet paper!)
:smiley: :canada: