New figures of 1/35 Modern Bundeswehr Tank Crew
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New figures of 1/35 Modern Bundeswehr Tank Crew
Well, good to see some “hanging around the tank park” type of figures although personally, I would have liked to have seen an earlier iteration. Perhaps they’ll come in due course - one can hope.
Soooo glad to see some modern figures!! Thank you.
I am glad to see some BW figures and they are great ones but what about some BW figures from the 80´s they would be very helpfull for all the older (in timeline ) models
You can use them as 1980’s tankers. Panzerkombi in one-tone Olive Green and a black barett and you’re done. That’s how I ran around during my Leopard 2 time in the mid 1980’s. Would suit perfect for a Leopard 2A4 or even a Marder 1A3. Okay, then the barett must be Green (“Greni Grün”) …
Torsten, what color do you suggest to be a good start point for the old 80’s era olive color Bundeswehr uniforms?
And fluc, floc, FLECKtarn, too! Or tropentarn, even. I’ll grab both in 1/16 (see the H3 website). May even grab the Takom Wiesel to go with them. Boys will need a ride after all
Forgive my butting in here, but for Bw uniforms of the 70s/80s I tend to go with – bearing in mind I generally use enamels – a mix of Humbrol Cockpit Green (78) slightly lightened with something like their Khaki Drill (72). I noted - during my service alongside my German Army compatriots - that whilst a new uniform was quite a dark, greenish olive drab almost, it soon washed out into an almost field grey colour - I sometimes wonder if, in the interests of German martial tradition that was intentional! Anyway, for what it’s worth it seems to work quite well.
and in modelling practice:
Brian got it quite right, the Panzerkombi always looked washed out because it was cleaned and washed nearly every week. So a faded olive green would come close from my memory. This is an olive Kombi as I had it but here it’s new. I hope it helps
Anton Blöchl Panzerkombi mit Futter Typ BW | bw-online-shop
@BootsDMS , @BlackWidow ,
Yeah,I prefer enamels as well. I’ve tried Revell Light Olive and Humbrol RLM 02 as the Olive, but neither color looks quite right. I have an old Bundeswehr parka and set of trousers & jacket that I had traded for BDUs and a field jacket while cross attached to a Bundeswehr Gerbigsjaeger company long ago to use as a reference, but I really have yet to see a color that is a good match.
Great pics and excellent model Brian!
A picture at a railhead I took when I was stationed in West Germany…
Notice the KFC container. There was a KFC at this railhead, and it had famously greasy chicken.
Great picture! Love that M113 medic vehicle