Handy scale modelling apps


I thought it might be handy to have a list of apps that are helpful whilst modelling. I use only Android devices, but if there are any iOs apps worth mentioning, please feel free to do so…
The first one, which I could not do without to keep track of my paint stock and want list is Hobby Color Converter. It contains lists of most paint brands and lines, together with equivalents of those paints. It also gives you the option to keep track of your stash, but I don’t use that.

The second I find quite handy is the model scale converter. It basically is a calculator with a simple interface meant purely for scale modelling.

The third is more of a reference app for airplane modellers. It is called Cockpit360. And it offers just that: interior 360° pictures of the cockpits of a lot of airplanes.


Didn’t know about the cockpit app, some great warbirds in there which’ll be helpful - thanks!

The Hobby Color app is android only, if any help I found Model Colors to be a brilliant iPhone equivalent for tracking paints, stash and builds (it also has a scale converter in the tools). Also like that you can track & add your custom paint mixes and share them with other users. The creator chats on the app Facebook page and is really open, there’s been some great additions recently from community suggestions and feedback.


Is there a app for paint converting?
Instructions recommend one brand of paint that don’t have or use to another?

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First of all welcome to the site…
Second : thanks for the additional information. I was aware the the Hobby Color Converter was only for Android, but forgot to mention it…

2 have been mentioned above, depending on the type of phone you have…
Here is a screen shot of the Android app:

It adapts to the local language of your phone, hence it is in Dutch on my phone.


Thanks @golikell ! Only found the site recently having returned to modelling this time last year, some great threads here that have already proved really helpful, after a 30 year gap I’m very rusty :slightly_smiling_face:


Thanks, I see that now, just woke up! I’ll have to figure out now how to find the app.


I use IModelKit.
The free version used to allow you pick photos to pick colors.

You can pick between manufacturers also.


Thanks, I’ll check it out.


Hi all,

I use ‘Model Paints’ on my IPhone, no idea if it exists for Android as well, but it has a ton of useful functions,
For example the previous mentioned scale converter and a spectrum tool to find a matching paint using the camera of your phone and a lot more.

I also like the list function where you can create lists of paints you already own. Saved me money a couple of times at the shop when I was about to buy some paint, only to find out I already have it at home.

I have a subscription for 2,99 euros/year

App store: ‎Model Paints in de App Store

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Looks good, but the app I mentioned for Android has the same features and is free…

This app is free as well, but you need to pay to get regular paint database updates (and I like to support the developer as well since it is a handy tool).

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I guess we Android users are lucky in this, as the updates are free too. Of course it is a good thing to support the developers if a app is well built…

Great app! I’m a bit colorblind, then this mixer module is ideal. Bought the full version.

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I use the paintrack app. Mostly just to catalogue my paints and avoid duplicates but I’ve started using the sets feature to keep track of paints used, mostly for miniatures.


There are a couple of apps I’ve found for iPads. Model Colors, Model Paints, and Brushage.

In the couple of months I’ve been modelling I’m a fan of Model Colors; subscription is cheap, very user friendly, and has all the components I’m looking for.

I haven’t used Brushage or Model Paints yet, as I’m yet to start painting.


Thank you for the addition(s)…