I met the owner at the IPMS USA Nationals two years ago. I told him I was quite surprised to see him there after hearing he was out of business. He expressed annoyance (not at me) about these persistant rumors. He told me -
So much so that he is only open every other month so that he can try to keep up with orders. By the looks of his table, and the number of folks talking to him, that would seem to be true.
He also expressed a desire for the rumors to cease.
If you have access to a 3D printer, there are free files for an SH-60F upgrade on Cults 3D. Many of the parts can be used on an MH-60L as well. It has collectives, cyclics, wheels, engine parts, etc.
Another option that I recently used was to buy the Kitty Hawk interior sprues off eBay and use them inside the Academy kit. They fit pretty well and have all the details Academy missed. I did this on my recent UH-60A Grenade build.
I have a question about Kitty Hawk. Do they make good quality kits. I don’t know why but I have a bad image in my mind about them and just want to to make sure.
It took Robert Pirsig a whole novel to try and explain quality. It means different things to different people. I’ve got another one in my stash - probably the last from China for a while.
If you’re talking about their Black Hawk, it’s average - meaning no better or worse than most kits these days. I’m certainly not a fanboy. It needs work. If you want a kit that falls together (and there are many out there which do) then this ain’t it.
I need to start watching some build videos cuz I’m unsure of how to even put the one I have together when it comes to proper order of build. And Sir I think you have a Bradley problem, I think there is a group for that obsession. I picked up the Meng Brad without interior at one of the best hobby shops I’ve ever been too in the county of Malta.
As Rob says, its no worse than any other modern kit. As far as details go, it is light years beyond what the Academy Black Hawks are lacking.
The only issue I have had with them is that the front part of the inner cabin floor and roof is about 1mm too wide, leaving gaps that need to be filled on the top and bottom of the front fuselage. If you trim about 1mm from the sides, it will close up pretty well.
As far as build sequence goes, start with the cabin and work your way out, just as the instructions are written.