Hello, I built this for the “Made in France” campaign GB here, but was a few weeks late getting it across the finish line. So here we have my latest completion- Heller’s Etendard IV M in 1/48. Let’s just say that this kit was challenging. The front of the fuselage was warped around the intake areas, the plastic quite brittle, and the fit in some other areas less than ideal. She fought me more and more as I neared the finish line, but in the end I did complete this bird. Using the kit decals, and some scavenged from an Etendard IV P in my stash I was able to finish this in the scheme worn in the mid 80’s, using some Xtracolor enamel on the topside and Tamiya acrylics on the undersides. It has lots of little flaws due to various things that happened along the way, but I am quite happy to get this one finished and onto my display shelf.
Thanks for looking, comments and critiques are welcomed
Thanks Dagger. I still have the Heller Etendard IV P and Airfix Super Etendard in my stash. I am also planning on making the Sue in Argentine markings. The IV P will be in the low vis grays camo scheme that those wore during the Balkan Wars. I’m curious how the Kitty Hawk kits compare.
That’s correct it has alot of interesting parts to it. P.E. sheets. Etc. It’s going to be a little complicated. But I bought it because it’s more advanced than most models I’ve bought in the past. Last week I received a Zukie-Mura F-4EJ Phantom -II KAI, that I had ordered. That’s going to be my Summer project. With a Leopard -2A6M ( Canadian) from RFM which I should be getting in the next few weeks, for next fall. Since I have several other kits waiting to be built.
I’m not sure since I’ve never built a Heller kit. But I was fascinated with the Kitty hawk with all the unique parts it comes with. Detailed cockpit, weapons systems etc.
Thanks. I HOPE between now and summer I can get it on the table. as I have a couple of others in front of it. As I’ve been wanting to build it for awhile. So Hopefully pretty soon.